Sydney Pools

Sydney boasts several public swimming pools that are open year-round or have specific operating times, many with larger pools designed for recreational use and others offering therapy or aqua aerobics programs. There are also beachside public pools which offer smaller, relaxing experiences as well as private ones offering various programs.

City of Sydney residents can access its pool facilities free of charge. In celebration of Open Day this summer, residents will gain free entry to six pools including Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool and Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre – giving locals an excellent opportunity to take advantage of summer sunshine with some aquatic fun!

Coogee offers an oceanic swimming experience like no other coastal suburb in Australia, thanks to one of its beautiful tidal pools established by champion swimmer Henry Alexander Wylie in 1907. It features raised decking built into cliffs, 180-degree views over Wedding Cake Island and Wedding Ocean as well as short access to its shoreline beach. Also nearby, McIver’s Ladies Baths – Australia’s first ocean pool exclusively dedicated to women and children since 1880.

Other public pools in Sydney can be found throughout the city and include the Olympic Pool which opened its doors in 1992 after winning an international design competition to create a facility suitable for hosting international competitions. It features a 50m competition pool with two training pools as well as an aquatic play feature such as an intergenerational lazy river.

The City of Sydney also maintains a number of natural swimming holes or “rock pools”, accessible along the coastline. One such pool is Sea Nymphs rock pool in Manly – accessible via promenade linking Manly and Shelly beaches on Cabbage Tree Bay Eco Sculpture Walk on the Northern Beaches.

Palm Beach boasts the 50-metre Freshwater Rock Pool, an exclusive enclave 25 miles north of downtown, which draws movie stars and moguls for long weekends. John Carter – an 77-year-old swim teacher – often uses this iconic location to teach his third generation how to surf.

Though some may view public pools as overrated, others relish their appeal on hot Sydney days. “Growing up with backyard pools was so much more fun!” exclaims Lisa Gaupset, 41, television graphic designer and mother to four year-old and twelve-year-old children. The City of Sydney prides itself on offering such an extensive public pool network; many families own multiple pools at home themselves and all Sydneysiders can appreciate these amenities together. For more information about Sydney pools please visit their official website.